Java To-Do List Application with Error Handling: Java Project

 This "To-Do List" application is a simple command-line program written in Java that allows users to manage their tasks. The user can add new functions to the list, mark existing studies as complete, view the current list, and exit the program. The user interface is easy to use and navigate, making it an excellent tool for keeping track of daily tasks and staying organized. Error handling has been implemented to ensure the program functions smoothly and prevents errors from occurring during usage. This project is ideal for those looking to improve their productivity and stay on their to-do list.

Efficient Task Management Java Command-Line To-Do List Application with Error Handling
Java To-Do List Application with Error Handling

Java-based To-Do List application is the ultimate tool for efficient task management. Whether you are a busy professional or a student, this command-line program will help you stay on top of your daily tasks and improve your productivity. With a user-friendly interface and error handling, the application is easy to use and navigate. The program uses an ArrayList to store task information and a text file to persist the data, making it a reliable and convenient organizational tool. With this task manager, you'll never forget important deadlines or tasks again. The To-Do List Application is perfect for improving task organization and overall productivity.

How to use the "To-Do List" application:

  1. Run the program by executing the Java file.
  2. The main menu will be displayed with the following options:
    1. Add task
    2. Complete task
    3. View tasks
    4. edit Task
    5. Exit
  3. To add a new task, select option 1 and enter the task description when prompted. The charge will be added to the list.
  4. To mark a task as complete, select option 2. The current list of functions will be displayed, and you'll be prompted to enter the task number you want to complete. Once you've entered the task number, the task will be removed from the list.
  5. To view the current list of tasks, select option 3. The program will display the list of functions and their corresponding numbers.
  6. To exit the program, select option 4. The program will close, and any tasks not completed will be saved to the text file.

Java code for To-Do list application:

The complete code for the "To-Do List" application is a Java program that allows users to manage their tasks. The Java code is given below:

Java Code explanation:

The code begins by importing the necessary Java libraries, including and Java. util. It then defines a class called "ToDoList" that contains all the required methods and variables for the application to function.

The class's primary method is the "main" method, which is the entry point for the application. It creates a Scanner object to read input from the user and initializes a variable to store the user's choice. The program then enters a while loop that will continue to execute until the user chooses to exit the program. Inside the circle, the program displays the main menu with options to add, complete, edit, view tasks, and leave the program. The user's choice is read and stored in the "choice" variable, and then a switch statement is used to determine which action to take based on the user's choice.

The "addTask" method adds a new task to the list. It prompts the user to enter a task description, which is then added to the ArrayList using the "add" method.

The "completeTask" method is used to mark a task as complete. It displays the current list of tasks, prompts the user to enter the task number they want to complete, and then removes the task from the ArrayList using the "remove" method.

The "editTask" method is used to edit an existing task. It displays the current list of tasks, prompts the user to enter the task number they want to edit, and then replaces the task from the ArrayList using the "set" method.

The "viewTasks" method displays the current list of tasks. It checks if the ArrayList is empty; if not, it loops through the ArrayList and shows each task along with its corresponding task number.

The "exit" method is used to exit the program, displays an "Exiting program" message, and terminates the program.

Additionally, the code includes error handling to catch any errors that might occur during input validation and to prevent any errors from occurring during usage. The program uses try-catch blocks to capture any InputMismatchExceptions and IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions that might occur and displays appropriate error messages.

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