What is Payoneer MasterCard?
Payoneer MasterCard is a Global solution for professionals and small businesses to receive funds, with local options to spend and withdraw.
- Receive funds from thousands of companies worldwide
- Spend online, in-store, and withdraw at ATMs with the Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard® Card
- Withdraw funds to your local bank account, in your local currency.

How to Get a Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard?
Step 1 [Personal Details]: Go to " http://share.payoneer-affiliates.com/a/clk/1wWhC6 " and sign up for an account. You have to give your correct info as appears on your Government - Issued ID.
You have to provide 1. First name
2. Last name
3. Email address
4. Re-enter Email address
5. Date of birth
*All Details must be provided as appears on your Government - Issued ID.
Step 2 [Contact Details]: Provide your Contact Details. At this address, your MasterCard will send.
Step 3 [Security details]: Answer some Security questions.
Almost Done!! Once you applied for a MasterCard, you have to wait for some days. They will notify you by email you provided. It may take 5-6 days to approve your application. You have to provide a copy of the Government - Issued Id by email or upload the link provided by them. Once your application approved, you just wait for your card.
For more details, visit here...
Have a good day!!!
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